Grass Plus
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Since 2023, Red Plus has been present on the market with a very ambitious project for natural grass courts lovers,Grass Plus. Grass Plus is a reinforced natural grass system, conceived and designed by a pool of agronomists, players and technicians for professional athletes, which guarantees all the performance standards of the natural grass courts of the most prestigious world tournaments. Red Plus can now cover the entire range of existing reinforced natural floorings designed for tennis.
Why choose red plus Green Clay
- Cost saving on subfloor preparation for new and old installations, compared to traditional red – or green clay courts;
- Any existing court can be turned into Red Plus Green Clay;
- Playable immediately after its installation;
- Not sensitive to wind (windproof dust);
- Not sensitive to frost;
- Excellent draining qualities;
- Minimal bags of clay used on annual basis for redressing;
- No divots to repair;
- Slides as a traditional clay courts;
- Excellent ball bounce;
- Slightly faster than a traditional clay court;
- Requires less water than a traditional clay court;
- Indoor venues with low humidity;
- Indoor venues with reduced heating costs;
- Requires 80% less maintenance than a traditional clay court;
- Guaranteed for 10 years;
- Inclusive tennis court.